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The Sticky Minds website is now featuring a review of my book Essential Software Test Design The reviewer finds the content great but the many proofing mistakes bothering. Funny thing since I paid a fortune to an English speaking translator who then proceeded to make both spelling and grammar mistakes. The whole book project is a tale of how to NOT publish a book. No direct communication with whoever did the work, everything went through the publisher. In the end, she just vanished and after receiving my last payments she failed to pay the guys she hired to do the job. Luckily the version on Amazon is a print-on-demand version that has many - but not all spelling mistakes corrected. If I ever write a book again I will be sure to have a professional editor handling it.

There are not that many good books on test design out there, most testing litterature is about process and documentation. I use Lessons Learned in SW Testing (Kaner, Bach, Pettichord) as a way to get inspiration and new ideas, How to Break Software (Whittaker) has helped me a lot understanding the root causes of failures and I use the techniques daily. Test design for the practitioner(Copeland) inspired me to add some content to the final version of my book - I read it the first time when I was almost done with the first draft of the original Swedish version of my book and I thought - wow here is almost the same book I am writing! My recommendation to the professional test designer is - read all of these as well!